
Hardware Model Checking Competition


This will be the 12th competitive event for hardware model checkers.

Affiliated to FMCAD’24

October 14 - 18, 2024, Prague, Czech Republic


This year we will have three tracks with single safety properties:

  1. Word-level without arrays
  2. Word-level with arrays
  3. Bit-level with mandatory safety certificates

Note that for 3) we will translate the word-level benchmarks from 1) to AIGER bit-level benchmarks. The certificate will be checked with Certifaiger and counter examples with aigsim.

As in previous years, the word-level track is based on the BTOR2 format, which is described in BTOR2 CAV’18 paper. The Btor2Tools tool suite provides a generic parser Btor2Parser and a simulator BtorSim, which are useful for parsing and random simulation of BTOR2 models, as well as for witness checking. There is also a simple bounded model checker BtorMC, distributed as part of Boolector.


The hardware setup for the competition is as follows: the cluster machines we use are equipped with AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-core processors and 128 GB RAM, running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Each model checker will have full access to a node, i.e., 16 (physical) cores and 128 GB of RAM. A memory limit of 120 GB will be enforced with a time limit of 1 hour of wall-clock time.


Submission deadline for new benchmarks is August 18, 2024. Please submit your benchmarks in BTOR2 format. If benchmarks have multiple safety properties, we’ll split them up in separate benchmarks with one safety property each.


Please send model checker and benchmarks submissions to

Registration and first versions of model checkers are due on September 1, 2024.

All submission dates are anywhere on earth (AoE). Make sure that the submission can be executed under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The safest bet is to provide statically linked binaries.

Bit-Level Certificate Output

Certificates should be written to an output file in the current working directory, ideally to a file called certificate.aig (for binary AIGER) and certificate.aag (for ASCII AIGER). If the name of the certificate is different, please mention this in your submission.


HWMCC’24 is organized by